Saturday, 12 November 2011

I've moved....

Hi Guys,

Had a little rethink about why I'm writing a blog and I feel I can offer my readers more at my new site:

This site is mainly about teaching English abroad. There will be posts on there about teaching English in Seville.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Been a long time...

Just over a year since I wrote on my blog. After a hectic year getting married and trying to finish my book 'Teaching English in a Foreign Land' I am now back on the scene with sevillexpat.

Married life in Seville is great. Our wedding went well and the honeymoon in New York was top class. Seville is struggling still with the recession, but the tourists are still piling over here, which is why we've stayed in on this random holiday.

I've finally finished my book and am in the process of sending it out to agencies and publishers. At the moment I have some interest but it's early days. I'm also doing a creative writing course so I will be adding links to my new articles when they get published. My novel is coming along too. Writing fiction is fun and hard but I'm enjoying it.

Anyways, keep watching for news and silly stuff about Seville, any questions then drop me a line.

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