Sunday, 8 August 2010

Sevillexpat begins

It's hard not to mention the weather in my first blog, but even as I type beads of sweat are trickling down temples about to splash on Pepa, my westie dog, lying on the marble floor. Yes, it's August the 8th, 5pm, half time in the charity shield (Manu winning 1 v 0 against Chelsea) and it's roasting here in Seville.

Sunday's in Seville can get dull, I'm being honest, but in August Seville turns into a ghost town as everyone carts off to the beach or anywhere else where there is a glimmer of breeze in the air.

I hope you enjoy this blog. I plan to write about Seville, the life here, what it's really like being a guiri engaged to a Sevilliana in Spain's hottest city. I'll also write about cities and towns near Seville where I've visited and keep an eye on La Liga. Feel free to leave any comments or ask for information if you're travelling to the area.


  1. good idea, i like what u said about my city!well done!i wanna know more interesting things in the future!

  2. Congratulations for having the motivation of creating content on the net, specially content about Sevilla. I encourage you to post original phrases, or even photos. Don't hesitate to publish some critics as well ;-) By the way: have you seen San Fermines in Sevilla in the last film of Tom Cruise? :-D


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