Saturday, 14 August 2010

Knight and Day: One month of filming for that?

Watched Knight and Day last night, and must say I was disappointed. After trying to get a peak of Tom Cruise and, mainly, Cameron Diaz, when they were filming in Seville last November, I was expecting an action packed blockbuster based mostly in Seville. It wasn't until the last twenty minutes until Tom Cruise bolted round the centre of Seville, and Cadiz, with Diaz strapped to his back. It was over in a flash.

The parts of Seville that appear in the film are Plaza Nueva and the Town Hall, Calle Francos and the restaurant Placentines, and Plaza Virgen de los Reyes. I did like the part when Cruise and Diaz almost collided with the new trams.

After the bullsup, excuse the pun, in Cadiz where a handful of bulls escaped and run riot through the town centre, ending up paddling on the beach, I thought more of the film would have been dedicated to gaditanos – people from Cadiz. But all we saw was a bit of a chase through the streets and a ten second lap of the Bullring.

You can see most of Seville and Cadiz scenes on the trailer here; it’s at the end.

I was expecting a better plot; the storyline was poor compared to the Mission Impossible series, but the effects and chases were entertaining. This best part was when Cruise appeared out of nowhere after you see his motorbike crash into the river.
Next time there’s a blockbuster in Seville I won’t waste so much time trying to get in it, there’s got to be an easier way to get on Television.

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